J’s Room for Christmas

I love Christmas. And I want my babies to look back and know how much love went into making Christmas magic happen from top to bottom in our home. This right here is what makes the chill in the air feel festive. When I walk into my babies’ rooms and I see stockings, bells, and garland, there’s a little extra joy around us. Christmas is coming - let heaven & nature sing.


Jordan made this stocking out of selvedge denim with some friends who owned a local custom jean shop, and I have been obsessed with it ever since. Jackson’s room is just full of little touches like this, and it makes me feel “fluffy” as B would say.


I painted a little mistletoe on a canvas flag for above the crib because duh. Give me all the Christmas kisses.


I’ll link these books at the end of the post! We have a small library going at this point, and I cannot get enough of the holiday books. We take the opportunity to learn about Jesus’s birth, what giving means, and explore big emotions with these books, and it’s important. Growing minds can learn and process new concepts through stories.


I moved the kid couch upstairs finally where it always was going to go (we like to lounge - what can I say?) and updated Jackson’s gallery wall with some fresh holiday art. B’s igloo from her reading activity for “I” made it, and I just want to commission her to make pieces for every room. Kid art is the best.


I promise to link another similar Santa pillow at the end of this post. If you’ve seen B’s Christmas tour from last year, you’ll recognize these holiday pillows being upcycled for Jackson’s room. I’m a bad blogger and hate spending money on things just to link them, but I promise to link similar ones below that are hopefully still in stock!

Easter Baskets 2021

Easter Baskets 2021

"Target Four-ever" Birthday

"Target Four-ever" Birthday