B's Easter Basket

B's Easter Basket

I can't believe this is the second Easter basket I've put together for B! Last year's Easter was so special - B was still co-sleeping and we took a family nap in the afternoon after we got home from family time. This year I'm looking forward to family time again, and for her to open this fun little basket of goodies. I put together the list of links at the bottom of the post! 


This deer doll from BlaBla Kids Shop is so perfect for B. Since she has a million bunnies already, I wanted to get her a stuffed animal that was Spring-y and unique. I also picked up a few things from the dollar spot at Target (of course) like the bunny ears, bubbles, and bathtub fingerpaint soap. She needed some new knee-high socks, and Amazon is usually my go-to for those (they're linked below). I lucked out and found this pack of socks with one bunny pair inside! Finally, the book "Wolfie the Bunny" is definitely going to be a new favorite. It's about a wolf that gets adopted by a bunny family, and has a lesson about loving people who look/seem different from you. It's a totally different basket from last year, but it has something to wear, read, play with, and cuddle with which is a theme I'm enjoying for Easter baskets!

If you're still looking for a few things for your own Easter baskets, I've linked everything below. Everything on Amazon is Prime - free two-day shipping for liiiiife.

Easter Basket Links:

Hazel the Deer // BlaBla Kids Shop

Kids' Animal Socks (I got a small for B, and we've got room to grow!)

Wolfie the Bunny Book

Bathtub Fingerpaint Soap (similar linked)

B's Room Rehaul with B Darling

B's Room Rehaul with B Darling

Sweet Pepper & Spicy Sausage Quiche

Sweet Pepper & Spicy Sausage Quiche