An Encanto Birthday

An Encanto Birthday

Welcome to Casita! I had a blast making our house extra magical for J’s birthday. I think I got a little carried away with balloons, but they just add so much impact in a space. Presh ICT came in clutch with this backdrop shelf that I placed all the piñata candles on. Those came into play when “Mirabel” joined the party, and each child got to experience a little Madrigal magic of their own ;). More on that in a bit.

I decided last minute to make our stairs look like Isabella had been there. It worked functionally to keep the kids all downstairs, and also set the scene at the beginning of the party right next to the candle display. I used faux flowers, and just tied them down with wire to the bannister.

As always, September Moon Cakery blew me away with her creativity and skill. I sent her a picture of the invites, and she made some gorgeous cookies to match!

Antonio’s tree made the biggest statement of all the rooms, and it was by far the most challenging to do. I really enjoyed building it, though. It was attached piece by piece to a light stand, and I just added to it until it felt complete. The vine-y 260’s were what really made it have the rainforest feel. I had a super cute toucan balloon to go with it, but it popped sadly! We had Mirabel read the kids a story under the big tree and it was truly the most adorable thing.

I collected these little good2grow bottles in just Encanto toppers for a few weeks before the party. I think spill-proof cups are the way to go with kid parties in your house!

I had ordered two shades of green balloons for the big tree not knowing which I’d like better, and assuming they’d look ok mixed together. I ended up keeping the greens separate because they clashed - one being more of a bright green and the other a sage color. I had 200 green balloons leftover and just figured they’d work somewhere in the house! This the dining room became Bruno’s hideout, complete with random cat toys posing as rats. I added in metallic green cardstock to look like shards of visions, also.

I missed photographing the wind-up butterflies that were stuffed in the candle piñatas! They were so much fun to try outside in the wind. I had plenty of extras knowing many would be lost in the happy chaos, and I know we will be finding them in the yard for years to come ;).

The little kids table had upside down bucket planters for seats, which felt very Madrigal. Also, I love anything purchased for a one-time event that can have multiple uses.

Gosh, I love celebrating our kids. Home parties are so special. Happy birthday to this guy - he makes us so happy!

B's Room Update

B's Room Update

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